Monday, March 31, 2014

Poster for mr daniels class

                 The Best ways to save energy costs. 

         Usually many people complain about the high cost of Con Edison bills. For example each month we get bill for electricity, and my dad always complains when the price is too high. He tells us not to use much  electricity in the rooms that we are not at. There other ways to save on energy costs. 

Bundle up with warm accessories. 
This is the easiest way to save on heating bills. Instead of turning the heat up, put on a cozy winter sweater and socks. Throw blankets on the couch, so it will be warmer, and it will save energy costs. 
Cozy sweaters
Cozy socks

Adjust the thermostat at night. 
According to the U.S department of Energy, you can save about 10 percent per year on your heating bills by turning your thermostat down 10 to 15 degrees for eight hours. Consider investing flannel sheets and a warm comforter for your bed, keeping your apartment cooler when you sleep. 

Only heat the rooms you use
Some people are always sick, and they like to feel warm all the time, even if the rooms are quite warm. But if you want the billing to be low, you should heat the rooms that you use, otherwise when you get the bill you will be surprised.

Heat the house with sun's help
Sun is our best friend in this situation. Leaving the window shades or blinds open during the daytime. Also using solar heat is good too for normal heating source.

Close the flue in your fireplace.
Installing glass doors to keep in warm air.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Massive Movement

                                                 The Massive Movement Project

 Geocentric model of the universe is the earth is in the center of the universe. Ptolemy thought this theory. The peoples who didn't believe in this putted in prison. Heliocentric model is thought by Copernicus and the sun is in the center of the universe. The evidence for the Heliocentric model is stars movement and the seasons. Earth's axis is a imaginary line in the central of earth. Polaris is important because it's always in the north. The earth's axis tilted 23,45 degrees. The equator is the line that divides earth in hemispheres. There two hemispheres Northern and Southern. Rotation is the sun spins on its axis. It takes 24 hour for the Earth to rotate on its axis in complete time. The evidence that proves Earth's rotation is Day and night. There 24 time zones in the world. Time zones are divided by longitudes. International date line is boundary between the 1st and the 24th time zones. The Greenwich mean time is the town where time begins. The Earth is orbiting the sun and it effected seasons. Orbit is the earth revolution, the process the Curvel path. Earth's orbit is the shape of ellipse. It takes 365 days or 1 year for the sun to revolve one time around the sun. Natural objects on the sky, movement of the stars and seasons are the evidence of the Earth's revolving. Aphelion is far and periholios is near.We have 4 seasons which are winter, spring, summer and autumn. Direct sunlight causes summer. Indirect sunlight causes winter. The causes of the seasons are revolution, the earth moves around it's orbit and tilt, different places got different sunlight. There aren't any seasons in the equator because equator always gets direct sunlight.Winter solstices the earth is far from the sun 152 million, which is less sunlight.December 21/22 is the date of the winter solstices. Summer solstices is when earth gets more sunlight. June 21/22 is the date of the summer solstices. Equinox is when the earth receives the same sunlight like light=dark or 12hours/12hours. March 21/22 is the Vernal Equinox. September 22/23 is the Autumnal Equinox. Phases of the moon is when the moon forms in different forms. 27.3 days or one month takes the moon to revolve around Earth one complete time.Moon gets it's light from the sun.Waxing is when the moon gets bigger and waning means when the moon gets smaller. Lunar eclipse is when the moon goes above or below. Full moon is the phase of the lunar eclipse. Total lunar eclipse is when the moon is visible. Partial lunar eclipse is the the moon is half. Solar eclipse is when the moon is between sun and the earth. New moon is the moon in solar eclipse. Tide is when ocean moves high and low, daily rise and fall of the water. Moon causes the earth's tide.Spring tide is higher or lower than a normal tides, sun, earth and the moon is in a straight line. Full moon and new moon is the phases of the moon in Spring tides. Neap tides is when moon and earth are at "L" shape. 3rd quoter and 1st quoter are the phases of the moon.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Plate Tectonics

  The plate tectonics states that Earth is like pieces of puzzles.The evidence is fossils, continents, deserts... Animals like cynognathus, glossapteris, lystrosaurus and mesosaurus come together and showed that continents are like puzzle. All continents come together. The Earth's interior made up of four layers. Inner core is the first one and its solid. The second one is outer core and its liquid (Very hot). The third one is mantle, its also liquid. The forth one is where we live called crust and its of course solid, if it was liquid we would not live in the Earth. Also there are two crusts which are oceanic crust and continental crust. oceanic crust is the ocean, water. Continental crust is the land.
 The theory also says that plate tectonic is the movement and because of this movement Earth changes. Plate boundary is when the plates meet. There are three different kind of plate boundary. Convergent boundary is when plates come together and forms volcanoes and mountains. There different type of volcanoes and mountains, Shield volcano, composite volcano,and cinder cone, those volcanoes also have similarities and differences. Folded mountains and fault block mountains form s differently too. Divergent plate boundary is when plates move apart from each other and forms rift valleys, mid ridge ocean. The transform plate boundary is when plates slide past each other and forms earthquakes and tsunamis.  

Continental drift
 is a theory thought by Alferd Wagener, it says that that continents are like puzzles and it can come together. A lot of people thought that he is crazy, but overtime peoples started to see the effects. Then they believed in that theory. Convection currents makes the plates move. Because the mantle makes the pressure to go up of it hotness, when it goes up there will be no effect. Because the crust is not hot. 

In conclusion I believe in theory of plate tectonics. Because all the evidences shows that earth can move and the continents can come together. There are a lot of effects of the movement. Like earthquakes, tsunamis, different type of mountains and ect... 



In this project I enjoyed working individually and I had a chance choosing topic. We had different kind of topics. After when we done with one activities Ms Kara tested us on the activity that we did. And it wasn't difficult. Some activities was confusing. But I studied and got grade by my teacher. nothing was challenged for me. I learned working individually. Also I learned how to make lab. If I had chance to change something about this project, it would be nothing. Everything is perfect. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Type of movements

           Comparing and contrasting different type of movements

 Divergent boundaries when plates move apart from each other. An example is Iceland, where the place is splitting along the mid-Atlantic ridge, a divergent boundary between the North American and Eurasian Plates. Over time, if there is a complete split, the two land masses will become separated and the body of water surrounding Iceland will fill in the gap.
 Transform fault boundaries are where two plates are sliding horizontally past one another and thus form faults. An example is the boundary on the west coast of the United States.

Convergent boundary is when two plates come together. There are three types of different convergent boundaries, Oceanic- continental, oceanic-oceanic, continental-continental. This type of boundary is not as common as the other ones in recent times.