Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Massive Movement

                                                 The Massive Movement Project

 Geocentric model of the universe is the earth is in the center of the universe. Ptolemy thought this theory. The peoples who didn't believe in this putted in prison. Heliocentric model is thought by Copernicus and the sun is in the center of the universe. The evidence for the Heliocentric model is stars movement and the seasons. Earth's axis is a imaginary line in the central of earth. Polaris is important because it's always in the north. The earth's axis tilted 23,45 degrees. The equator is the line that divides earth in hemispheres. There two hemispheres Northern and Southern. Rotation is the sun spins on its axis. It takes 24 hour for the Earth to rotate on its axis in complete time. The evidence that proves Earth's rotation is Day and night. There 24 time zones in the world. Time zones are divided by longitudes. International date line is boundary between the 1st and the 24th time zones. The Greenwich mean time is the town where time begins. The Earth is orbiting the sun and it effected seasons. Orbit is the earth revolution, the process the Curvel path. Earth's orbit is the shape of ellipse. It takes 365 days or 1 year for the sun to revolve one time around the sun. Natural objects on the sky, movement of the stars and seasons are the evidence of the Earth's revolving. Aphelion is far and periholios is near.We have 4 seasons which are winter, spring, summer and autumn. Direct sunlight causes summer. Indirect sunlight causes winter. The causes of the seasons are revolution, the earth moves around it's orbit and tilt, different places got different sunlight. There aren't any seasons in the equator because equator always gets direct sunlight.Winter solstices the earth is far from the sun 152 million, which is less sunlight.December 21/22 is the date of the winter solstices. Summer solstices is when earth gets more sunlight. June 21/22 is the date of the summer solstices. Equinox is when the earth receives the same sunlight like light=dark or 12hours/12hours. March 21/22 is the Vernal Equinox. September 22/23 is the Autumnal Equinox. Phases of the moon is when the moon forms in different forms. 27.3 days or one month takes the moon to revolve around Earth one complete time.Moon gets it's light from the sun.Waxing is when the moon gets bigger and waning means when the moon gets smaller. Lunar eclipse is when the moon goes above or below. Full moon is the phase of the lunar eclipse. Total lunar eclipse is when the moon is visible. Partial lunar eclipse is the the moon is half. Solar eclipse is when the moon is between sun and the earth. New moon is the moon in solar eclipse. Tide is when ocean moves high and low, daily rise and fall of the water. Moon causes the earth's tide.Spring tide is higher or lower than a normal tides, sun, earth and the moon is in a straight line. Full moon and new moon is the phases of the moon in Spring tides. Neap tides is when moon and earth are at "L" shape. 3rd quoter and 1st quoter are the phases of the moon.