Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Rock Cycle

                                                          Rock Cycle

There are three types of different rock which are igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks. These rocks forms differently.Igneous rocks forms when magma or lava cools down. Igneous rock have two kind of different types which are extrusive and intrusive.Extrusive igneous rock have small crystals, and forms outside of the volcano. Intrusive igneous rock have big crystals and forms inside of the volcano. Sedimentary rocks forms by compaction and cementation of sediments. Sedimentary rocks have three different kind of types which are clastic, bioclastic and crystalline. Clastic sedimentary rock is just piece of rock. Bioclastic sedimentary rock forms from organics. And crystalline rock is a rock that forms from liquid. Metamorphic rock forms by heat and pressure. Metamorphic rock has two types which are foliated and non-foliated. foliated has layers and non-foliated is without layers.

When magma comes out from the volcano it gets cold and turns to Igneous rock. After igneous rock by weathering and erosin gets in small pieces. Those rocks get together and glues together and becomes sedimentary rock. Inside the underground sedimentary rock will get heat and pressure and becomes metamorphic rock. After going deeper and deeper metamorphic rock will melt down and comes as lava. That's how the rock cycle happens.

                                                      Vocabulary Words

Metamorphic rock- forms by heat and pressure
Sedimentary rock- forms by compaction and cementation
Igneous rock- forms cooling magma
Weathering-rain, wind, ice that breaks the rock into pieces
Erosin- Moving material things from one place to another
Sediments- broken pieces of rock
Compaction- push together
Cementation- glue it together

                                                           Rock Types

Sedimentary rock.

 Clastic-  just piece of rock.
 Bioclastic- forms from organics.
 Crystalline- rock forms from liquid.

Igneous Rock

 Extrusive- has small crystals, forms outside of the volcano.
 Intrusive- has big crystals, forms inside of the volcano.

 Metamorphic Rock

 Foliated- with layers
 Non-foliated-  without layers

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